Tuesday, November 11, 2008

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what!!! My dad might build us (brother) a TREE HOUSE!!!!. I really hope he does and if he does I'll take a picture and make a post about it so I hope you all are doing so.......


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ten ways how to annoy your dad

10. take his tool box

9. sell his grill online

8. break his laptop

7. put a tarantula in his shirt (my dad hates spiders)

6. smear all of his work shirts


5. take him to McDonalds to buy a burger with ketchup (he hates that)

4.take money from his wallet

3. break our kiaks he made us

2. throw a mud bomb at him

1. GET HIM FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ten Ways On How to Annoy your Mom (countdown)

10. kick something thats glass

9. set your moms alarm to 1 A.M

8. make your moms shower water Cold!!!!

7. take food from the refrigdorater

6.destroy moms T.V

5. lock your brothers and sisters in the closet

4. play video games all day (nonstop)

3. stay up till 12 :00 A.M

2. buy stuff from the internet ( with moms money)

1. and finally... scream in her FACE!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Indiana and the Crystal Skull

Hi, I saw Indiana #4 on May 22. It was entirely awesome spectacular movie. The skull looks weird though. Theres aliens in it!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Hello again fellow citizens I'd like to say that my life ROCKS. Well I'm not going away... Whats up with your lives. Do you want to see the NEW INDIANA JONES MOVIE!!!! I really really want to see it. (broughteued by Sties Thoughts and my family) well as I was... what mom is it dinner already. SEE YOU LATER!!!!!!!!!!

From the life of mckay

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hey, sorry I havent been on hear for a while. Well I just wanted to say whats up? How are you I'm fine. This is a picture of my mom when she was little (so give her a round of applaus)